With the Blue Water Bridge closed to recreational international travel, crossing the bridge to support the International Symphony Orchestra is not an option, even there were in-person performances to attend. But there is still a way to enjoy the orchestral performances this season, online, from the comfort and safety of home.
The Nexus Chamber Series is being offered this year, with empty-hall chamber orchestra performances on both sides of the closed border. According to the ISO, Executive Director Anthony Wing was charged with “finding a way to reunite our musicians by remote while providing inventive programming in fresh locations in Canada and Michigan. The Nexus Chamber Series is also another step towards the diversification of the ISO as a reliable online content provider.”
The ISO plans to wow viewers with surprises, saying there will be surprising locations, programming, performers, and delivery, “to keep everyone entertained into the spring”, according to Wing.
The concert series consists of five episodes. The cost is $50 for all five or $12 per single episode. Tickets can be purchased at theiso.org.
Reporting for wGRT – Jennie McClelland