Bats are a little creepy, but they are also an important species. It’s International Bat Week, and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources wants to remind Michigan residents that bats are vital to the ecosystem.
Many species of bats are declining in numbers and some are federally protected, so if you have bats in the attic, they need to be relocated, not exterminated.
The DNR says that bats are helpful because they eat pests like mosquitos and sometimes act as pollinators. Bats have been falling ill to “white-nose” syndrome in the area, which causes them to wake up early from hibernation. Infected bats don’t make it through the winter as their fat stores are depleted prematurely.
Bat houses that are placed away from people are a good way to peacefully co-exist with bats in your neighborhood. To learn more about bats, the Friends of the St. Clair River are hosting a “Bat Hike” at Columbus County Park on Friday, October 29th at 10:00 a.m. Registration information for the bat walk, as well as information about constructing bat houses, can be found below.
Bat Hike on Oct 29 at 10 am at Columbus County Park. Register at
Reporting for WGRT -Jennie McClelland