Join The 5th Annual Shelby Township Better Pie Baking Contest At The Shelby Art Fair

The 5th Annual Shelby Township Better Pie Baking Contest is calling all pie enthusiasts to put their baking skills to the test. Located at River Bends Park, the contest is scheduled for August 12th, from 1 – 3 p.m.

Pie perfectionists will be competing for the title of “Better Pie” baker, with judges critiquing appearance, creativity, and of course, taste. Ages are 13 and under for the youth competition and 14 and up for the adult competition. Exciting prizes await the top three, while a special package awaits the finest junior baker under 13.

Pies must be submitted to the Better Pie Contest tent by 12:45 p.m. on August 12th to participate. Even if you’re not a contestant, you can attend the event and cheer for your favorite pie maker. 

For more information, and contest rules, visit:

Reporting for WGRT – Choze Powell