Always wanted to own a farm? Well, now you can, sort of. Kenockee Farms offers Community Supported Agriculture Shares, or CSA shares, in their Kenockee Township organic farm.
Owner Ruth Field said that this is their third year of operating the CSA program. Shareowners buy the level of share that meets their family’s needs and in return, they get a weekly basket of food throughout the growing season.
Field said that her farm has expanded to offer fresh eggs, Amish-made birch and maple syrups, and is looking forward to extending the growing season with a possible hoop house on the farm.
Field said that they are also operating a farm stand on Lapeer Road, not far from Goodells park, and will be branching out with microgreens with possible sales to the restaurant industry.
Last year, there were 23 CSA shares, and there is room for more this year. Baskets include a wide variety of organic vegetables, with some of them being rare heirloom varieties, along with seasonal fruits and herbs.
More information can be found at
Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland