Kids Can Participate in Photo Shoot at Palmer Park

A ribbon cutting for the new Quantis Climber play structure at Palmer Park is Tuesday, September 28th at 4 PM. The public is invited to join in the celebration which includes testing out the new play equipment, popsicles, games, and music.

The Quantis Climber is designed for kids 5 – 12 years old, and it involves a rope assisted climb around twists and turns to get to the slide on top. Kids can create new ways to advance and move around the structure while building muscle and having fun.

Palmer Park received several updates this year including new swing sets, and a new pavilion and benches are up next. The Quantis Climber was funded by the combined efforts of the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation and the Community Foundation of St. Clair County.

Kids who want to participate in a photo shoot after the ribbon cutting can sign up with the Penchura company by signing a photo release. Penchura needs 30 -40 kids from 2 – 12 years old for the photoshoot, and kids will receive a free gift if they sign up.

Learn more about signing up for the photo shoot here:

Reporting for WGRT – Jessie Wiegand