In 1975, Lawrence Jewelers opened their doors in downtown Port Huron. Over the next forty-four years the folks at Lawrence’s have shared their expertise with the Blue Water community. They made a move into the Birchwood Mall for a time, and now are moving into a brand new location on 24th Avenue in a new building in front of the strip mall that holds Harbor Freight and TJ Maxx. Dion Schlager and business partner Jon Askew say they are excited to open the doors in the days ahead. Jon says they have put a lot of time and thought into the new location using the “Four C’s” as their guide for creating a special shopping environment. – comfort, convenient, caring and current. Schalger says he started on the jewelers bench working in repair and diamond setting and fell in love with the art and craftsmanship of the jewelry. He holds certificates from the Gemological Institute of America and the Diamond Counsel of America as well as a degree in business. Schlager says he is passionate about the jewelry business and wanted to expand their store to give back to the community that has supported his family for all these years. The new store will offer more designers and an expanded line along with a custom design center. Askew has over 25 years experience in the jewelry business and looks forward to continuing the legacy that Larry and Nancy Schalger began all those years ago. Askew says they still employ two of the Schlager daughters and as he and Dion both have children, he looks forward to the next generation, becoming involved and continuing the legacy. A date has not yet been set for the opening of the new location, but Askew said he believes maybe sometime in March.