Lightship To Get Much-Needed Repairs

Port Huron, MI — The Huron Lightship needs some serious repair after last summer’s damage. City Manager James Freed has recommended that the City of Port Huron award a contract to Martin Construction to repair the structure.

A rare meteotsunami caused water levels in the St. Clair River to quickly raise and then recede, resulting in significant damage to the Huron Lightship. The boat, which had been permanently grounded at Pine Grove Park for decades, actually floated up and destroyed much of the mechanical structures.

Some work has already been done to repair the Lightship, which is a working Museum, under the management of Port Huron Museums. It is not currently open to visitors due to the damage.

The final restoration involves replacing the damaged walkway to the Lightship and backfilling around the ship to maintain stability. After soliciting bids from several contractors, Martin Construction was the only contractor willing to take on the project. The cost is $62,400 for the complete project.

According to Freed, the backfilling needs to take place quickly to ensure the stability of the vessel.

Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland