Port Huron schools will have 18 new employees this school year including classroom teachers, social workers, and special education providers to serve across the district in their new roles. One of the new hires now joining the district is Raynard Caldwell, who will be the Principal at the Literacy Academy at Cleveland. After spending his career, to this point, in Indiana, Mr. Caldwell is returning home to Port Huron. He is a former Port Huron Northern graduate who also attended Fort Gratiot, Thomas Edison, and Garfield schools. His teaching experience includes 11 years as a third-grade teacher in Elkhart, Indiana, as well as brief periods of time teaching first and sixth grade. Administratively, he has worked in an urban high school in South Bend and as an elementary assistant principal in Goshen, Indiana. Earlier this month, Mr. Caldwell participated in the district’s annual administrator retreat to prepare for the upcoming school year.