Lynx Released In The Upper Peninsula

A lynx that was captured last month in the Thumb area has been released in the Upper Peninsula.  The lynx was captured on a farm in the area of Ruth and Harbor Beach in March.  There had been reports of the animal feeding on domesticated geese, and was captured by an Applegate trapper.  Once captured, it was taken to Howell nature Center in Livingston County and was later transported to the Detroit Zoological Society.  At one point, it was discussed that the lynx would remain in a zoo or nature center.  DNR reports stated the animal had been behaving oddly and was easily approachable.  The female lynx was found to be less than a year old, weighed 18 pounds and was measured at more than four feet long.  It was treated for parasites, dehydration and a foot wound according to authorities at the DNR.  Canada lynx are classified as a threatened species under the endangered species act and fall under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  The animal was released in a remote area of Schoolcraft County, where, according to a news release, there is a large swath of public land with little human development.