McLaren Port Huron Offers Free Mammograms Throughout October In Support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month

McLaren Port Huron, a prominent healthcare provider in St. Clair County and part of McLaren Health Care, has launched a crucial initiative in observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Throughout October, the hospital will provide free mammograms, a critical screening procedure for early breast cancer detection, to uninsured women.

Administered through the Demashkieh Women’s Wellness Place, situated on the main campus of McLaren Port Huron, this program is made possible through the generous support of the Donna M. Niester Breast Cancer Fund, Northgate Ford Free Mammogram Fund, and X-Ray Associates of Port Huron.

Dr. Kimberly Clark-Paul, a breast surgeon at McLaren Port Huron, emphasized the importance of mammograms in women’s health, noting their role in early detection and proactive care planning.

Appointments are limited, so call: (810) 989-3270 to schedule yours today.

Reporting for WGRT – Choze Powell