The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Long Term Care Policy Section has issued a Request for Proposal for nursing home quality of life enrichment. The purpose of the Nursing Facility Enrichment Program is to fund projects and activities that benefit and enrich the lives of nursing facility residents. All proposals must include enhancements to nursing facility services and go beyond the services required to be provided by a nursing facility. Eligible applicants include hospitals and health care organizations, academic institutions, nursing facilities, nonprofit organizations, private businesses, Native American tribal organizations and other organizations able to plan, implement and evaluate projects, programs and process system improvements designed to protect or improve quality of life and care for residents of nursing facilities. The enrichment program’s priorities are projects that support resident and/or family councils and other consumer involvement in assuring quality care. Priority will be given to projects that include resident and other stakeholder input in the development of the project and improve the quality of life for residents through innovative approaches to implement person-directed values within the nursing facility. Grants starting at $5,000 are available for organizations to provide these services. Authorities say grant applications must be submitted electronically through the MI E-Grants program. Applications will be accepted through May 3, 2019, at 3 p.m. The Nursing Home Enrichment Program period is Oct. 1, 2019 – Sept. 30, 2020. For more information or to apply, visit the MI E-Grants website and select the “About EGrAMS” link on the left side of the screen to access the “Competitive Application Instructions” training manual. The complete Request for Proposal document can be accessed on the MI E-Grants website in the ‘Current Grants’ section by selecting the “Medical Services Administration” link and accessing the “NFEP-2020” grant program