Michigan Department of Education Asking for Resident Input

If you ever wanted to tell the state how you think schools should be run, here’s your chance. The State of Michigan Department of Education is updating its “Top 10 in 10 Strategic Education Plan” and is asking for resident input. 

Blue Water Area native and St. Clair County Community College graduate Casandra Ulbrich Ph.D. is the President of the Michigan State Board of Education and is asking anyone with a stake in public education including students, parents, educators, and community members, to take a moment to help narrow down educational priorities. 

The current plan has a large number of guiding principles, goals, and strategies. Ulbrich said they “are hoping that a revised plan will be more streamlined, clear and concise, with focused goals and metrics.” The survey takes a few minutes to complete and asks respondents to prioritize improvement areas in matters such as early childhood education, vocational education, high school graduation rates, and others.  There is also an opportunity to add your own priorities.

The responses from these surveys will help shape focus groups which will narrow down the priorities. The survey is open until February 7 and can be found at Michigan.gov/mde.

Reporting for WGRT, Karly Hurley.