Michigan Employees Prefer Working From Home Since Covid-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a shift in workplace practices, with remote work becoming the new normal for many. A recent survey reveals that a majority of full-time remote workers are hesitant to go back to the office.

The survey, conducted on 3,000 remote employees, asked what cash lump sum payment would entice them to return to the office full-time. The average respondent demanded a substantial $12,188, while Michiganders required $11,134.

The survey disclosed significant concerns among employees regarding a forced return to the office. 63% expressed a willingness to unionize to prevent it, with 72% fearing the adverse impact on their mental health.

As companies contemplate the future of work, employee perspectives on remote work’s benefits and drawbacks will undoubtedly play a pivotal role.

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Reporting for WGRT – Choze Powell