Michigan Firefighters Assisting with California Wildfires

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is on its way to California to help fight the massive wildfires with off-road fire engines.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer said, “The California wildfires have devastated thousands of families, and Michigan is ready to help in any way we can. The highly trained firefighters from the Michigan DNR regularly assist other parts of the country that are in need. Just like when California sent us ventilators in the heat of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re prepared to help our friends on the West Coast protect families, businesses, and wildlife from these fires.”

There is a nationwide cooperative system where DNR firefighters may be assigned to any state in need. The DNR assures that there are plenty of firefighters still in Michigan should their skills be needed.

Multiple blazes are being fought in 15 states right now. Thousands have had to evacuate in California, and over a million acres of land have been burned. The fires are minimally contained with threat of more fires on the horizon.

Michigan is reimbursed for the services and the DNR describes the travel as “valuable to firefighters who want to increase their experience and learn skills they can use to fight fires at home.”

Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland