Michigan High-Speed Internet Office Created

After vetoing repeated attempts by the legislature to incentivize internet providers to reach underserved communities with high-speed internet, Governor Gretchen Whitmer issued an Executive Order to establish the Michigan High-Speed Internet Office.

The Office will be coordinating and advancing the state’s efforts to bring high-speed internet to every home and business that needs it. A $2.5 billion potential economic benefit is estimated to be lost each year due to the “digital divide”.

Whitmer said, “A fully connected Michigan is essential for our state to reach its economic potential in the 21st-century global economy.”  

The Michigan High-Speed Internet Office will be housed in the Department of Labor and Economic Development.  LEO Acting Director Susan Corbin said, “Expanding high-speed internet access and affordability will help ensure that Michigan remains a world leader in innovation. We need to make major investments to support digital inclusion and this office will be focused on leveraging every dollar available through the American Recovery Plan and other federal programs.”  

Efforts will be focused on bringing internet service to underserved communities throughout Michigan.

Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland