Michigan Unveils Groundbreaking Roadmap To Rural Prosperity

In a historic move, the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity’s Office of Rural Prosperity has unveiled the “Michigan Roadmap to Rural Prosperity.” 

Representing the first-ever comprehensive report from the State of Michigan, the roadmap focuses on addressing the challenges faced by rural communities. The vision outlined in the roadmap emphasizes creating resilient, connected rural ecosystems that foster long-term prosperity. 

Key strategies include diversifying the workforce, improving individual health and economic well-being, supporting local service delivery capacity, expanding housing opportunities, building resilient infrastructure, and fostering regionally driven economic development. 

The report underscores the significance of collaboration between state agencies, decision-makers, and rural communities in overcoming the complex, structural challenges. Michigan aims to be a trailblazer in promoting responsible stewardship of natural assets, ensuring a sustainable and prosperous future for its rural areas.

Reporting for WGRT – Choze Powell