Thousands of Michigan residents have unclaimed property, usually money, that is being held in the custody of the Michigan Department of Treasury. Monday was “National Unclaimed Property Day”, which is an annual event meant to remind citizens to check and see if they have some forgotten assets due to them.
There are millions of dollars held in the Treasury from lost or forgotten banks accounts, uncashed checks, valuables left in safe deposit boxes, and stock certificates. Such assets are turned over to the state and listed on the Unclaimed Property website,
The website is easily searchable and the process for claiming property is explained on the website. Filing a claim is absolutely free and can be done by the individual as well as their beneficiary if the claimant it deceased. Corporate claims are also listed on the website.
One out of ten people are thought to have unclaimed property. Michigan returned $133 million in unclaimed property just last year and has paid out $400 million over the last five years.
A link to the Unclaimed Property Website:
Michigan Unclaimed Property – Official State Site
Claimants may call 517-636-5320 between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland