Michigan’s Environmental Justice Public Advocate Works Toward “Meaningful Involvement”

Michigan continues to make national headlines with the Flint water crisis, thought to be one of the most shocking examples of environmental injustice in modern history. Since then, Michigan’s Office of the Environmental Justice Public Advocate was created and has just announced the launch of a new resource to connect residents with environmental justice and equity action. The website, Michigan.gov/EnvironmentalJustice is meant to showcase ongoing projects and initiatives, community partnerships, and ways to interact with the office.

One of the projects that the Office is currently working on is improving heating and ventilation systems in schools. Tribal relations are also part of the work of the office.

Regina Strong, Environmental Justice Public Advocate, said, “Action is at the heart of environmental justice advocacy. The role of the Office of the Environmental Justice Public Advocate is to work collaboratively within state government and with the community to move toward ensuring environmental justice in the state. This new website is designed to provide a window into how we are moving the needle.”

A responsibility of the Office is to address and resolve environmental justice concerns and complaints. A link to the complaint form can be found at WGRT.com.

Environmental Justice – Grievance Procedures, Procedimientos de reclamo, إجراءات التظلم (michigan.gov)

Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland