Michigan’s Juvenile Justice System to Get a Complete Overhaul

The Michigan Task Force on Juvenile Justice has approved recommendations to transform the state’s juvenile justice system.

The task force recommendations include expanding diversion opportunities for youth who are not a public safety risk. They also plan to create a uniform statewide juvenile public defense system and increase funding for community-based programs.

The task force recommended relying on data-driven tools and best practices to guide the future of the system, and improving things like probation and residential programs for juveniles who are in the justice system.

There will also be a statewide advisory board of youth and families who have experience with the juvenile justice system.

Michigan Supreme Court Justice Elizabeth Clement said, “We are providing local courts with more tools to guide diversion and disposition decisions, more resources to keep young people in their homes and communities and effectively meet their needs, and more training and technical assistance through the State Court Administrator’s Office to help local courts to implement new policies and programs effectively.” 

Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland