Millions of Free KN95 Masks Being Distributed

If you’ve been wanting to get your hands on a bigger and better face mask, there are now millions for the taking in Michigan.

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services will be distributing KN95 masks through community organizations, health departments, and Area Agency on Aging offices. The thicker and tighter fitting masks are thought to be superior to medical masks and cloth masks at fighting the latest strain, Omicron, of the Covid-19 virus.

MDHHS Director Elizabeth Hertel said, “We are urging Michiganders to mask up to protect themselves, their loved ones and their communities from COVID-19. Wearing masks are important in helping limit the spread of COVID-19, particularly the easily spread omicron and delta variants.”

In addition to the MDHHS masks, there are 400 million free masks being distributed throughout the country to stores like CVS, Meijer, Walgreens, Kroger, Rite Aid, Walmart, and Sam’s Club.

Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland