It’s National Public Health Week. The St. Clair County Health Department is celebrating the week by diving deeper into issues affecting public health, and rallying around the theme “Public Health is Where You Are”.
Anyone can check out the daily reflections on the Health Department’s social media accounts.
In an editorial press release, St. Clair County Health Department Medical Health Officer, Dr. Annette Mercatante reminded the community of the vital role of public health in human history. Vaccines have eliminated things like smallpox and polio. Safer workplaces are the result of public health initiatives.
Mercatante pointed out that awareness of the dangers of smoking is the result of public health campaigns, and that life expectancy has increased by thirty years over the past century.
Mercatante said, “Public health touches you every minute of every day and in turn makes our community stronger and more resilient.”
Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland