The Port Huron Police (PHPD) welcomed two new cadets to the department recently. Dan Beedon and Zane King join a long list of cadets who have been involved in the program which dates back to the 1970s. Many of the cadets go on to a career with the Port Huron Police Department or another law enforcement agency. Cadets in the program perform many different duties including completing minor criminal police reports, minor accident investigations, serving subpoenas, conducting parking enforcement, and patrolling city parks. Cadets also go on ride-alongs with patrol officers. When applying for a cadet position with PHPD, candidates must be a college student in good standing and maintain a “C” or better grade point. The candidate must also be 18 years of age, of good moral character, have little or no contact with the criminal justice system, and have a valid driver’s license. Finally, there is an oral interview as well as a background screening.