New State Agency Formed to Serve Aging Population

The state of Michigan is about to get a new government agency. The Health and Aging Services Administration within the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services has been created to address the needs of the growing aging population.

Nearly 25% of Michigan’s population is over age 60 and those 85 and older remain the fastest-growing age group. The creation of the new agency combines several other previously established agencies and offices to increase coordination. Service capacity is also expected to expand with the creation of the office.

Kate Massey, the senior deputy director of the new administration said, “Long-term care policy will now come from one coordinated area of MDHHS. We expect these changes to allow smoother transitions across the continuum of care – including for older adults who prefer to age in place. Services to our aging population are a critically important part of MDHHS’s work.”  

 Paula D. Cunningham, state director of AARP Michigan, also commended the streamlined offices, saying, “These improvements are especially important as Michigan’s aging population continues to grow and as many older adults want to continue to live in their homes and communities as they age.” 

 Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland