No Extra Fee for Veteran-Designated License Plates

There is no longer a service fee for Michigan veterans who seek to get a veteran-designated license plate.

House Bill 5678 was signed into law this week. The bill was introduced by State Representative Bradley Slagh, a Republican lawmaker from Zeeland.

Those honorably discharged from the United States Armed Forces, medal awardees, prisoners of war, and spouses, are eligible for the military license plates.

Veterans can choose to note their branch of service or the name of the conflict in which they served. Gold Star families can also get a special license plate.

According to the Senate Fiscal Agency, the bill would decrease restricted revenue for the Department of State by an estimated $75,000 annually. Around 15,000 veteran’s specialty plates were issued in 2020-21. The most popular plate is the Foreign Wars Service Plate, followed by the Disabled Veteran plate and the Vietnam Veteran Plate.

More information can be found at the link below.

Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland