Deer Firearm season starts in Michigan today, and safety is important for both hunters and non-hunters. Even if you’re not headed out to the woods to hunt, there are some important things to be aware of.
Nature lovers who use public trails or hike on private property should wear bright clothing. Blaze orange isn’t just for hunters; it’s the best way to be seen if you’re walking through the woods in the next couple of weeks. If you’re walking your dog, they should be outfitted as well.
Firearm season lasts until November 30th, so the safest option is to avoid walking in areas where people hunt altogether. If that can’t be avoided, and you’re dressed to be noticed, make a reasonable amount of noise that identifies you as a person rather than an animal.
Hunters should be paying close attention to their surroundings, and they should also be dressed in bright clothing, so if you encounter each other, be courteous. If you hear shooting nearby, make sure you let hunters know you’re in the area by raising your voice.
Michigan regular firearm season lasts until November 30th, and the late antlerless or doe season runs from December 13th – January 1st.
Reporting for WGRT – Jessie Wiegand