Ontario Encourages Social Circles and Allows Wedding & Funerals

Sarnia, Ontario — The Provincial Government has eased restrictions on wedding and funeral ceremonies. Outdoor ceremonies are now allowed, but they are limited to 50 attendees.  Indoor ceremonies are limited to a maximum of 30% of the venue capacity.

Guests attending funeral or wedding ceremonies must follow the standard health and safety advice including physical distancing from those outside of their household or their established 10 person social circle. For more information about wedding and funeral gatherings go <HERE>.

On June 12th, the Provincial government recommended Ontarians establish a social “circle” of “no more than 10 people who can interact and come into close contact with one another without physical distancing.”

Social circles can include people outside of immediate household members, and the goal is to “support the mental health and well-being of Ontarians and help reduce social isolation.”

Reporting for wGRT – Jessie Wiegand