Boy Struck By Car At Bus Stop
A boy, believed to be about ten years old, was hit by a car and injured while waiting for the school bus yesterday morning. The accident occurred just before 8 a.m. Wednesday on Parker between Oakleaf and Krafft roads. The boy was transported to the hospital with what appeared to be a broken femur. According to reports no one else was injured in the accident. Fort Gratiot firefighters, St. Clair County deputies, Michigan State Police and Tri-Hospital EMS responded to the scene. The boy was a student at Thomas Edison Elementary and Principal Chris Collins noted on the school’s Facebook page, that the child was struck by a bus and he wanted families to be aware as students may have questions when they got home, however Mr. Collins had talked with the students on the bus, and social workers were in place if needed. It stated it was an opportunity to remind all students that they should stay at least 12 feet back from the road until the driver comes to a full stop, the bus doors open and they receive the “one hand wave”.