On Friday, February 22, 2019 Phil Kaatz, MSU Extension Educator, will be conducting a Pesticide Core Review at the St. Clair County Administration Building in the Don Dodge Auditorium at 200 Grand River Avenue, Port Huron. The review will be from 9 am to noon for a cost of $30, which is payable on line at https://www.canr.msu.edu/event
Prepare for the MDARD Core Pesticide Applicators Certification exam with this review session. The 3-hour review covers the 12 chapters of the National Pesticide Applicators Certification Core Manual. The review is held in the morning and the MDARD exams are given that afternoon. Three recertification/RUP credits in either Private or Commercial Core are also available for those already certified and seeking renewal by seminar credits. We recommend participants read and study the Core Manual before attending the review. County Extension may also have copies available. Please call for availability in St Clair County (810) 989-6935. In the afternoon starting at 1 pm the Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development (MDARD) representatives will conduct testing for those who want to be certified as either a private ($50) or a commercial ($75) applicator. Pre-registration is required for the exam by going online to register at https://secure1.state.mi.us/op