The Blue Water High School Quiz Bowl season just wrapped up with both high school teams from Port Huron Schools tying for first place in the final league standings. The League Tournament was held last Thursday at Armada High School and ended with an exciting championship match in a meeting of the minds of both Port Huron Northern and Port Huron High Schools.
Port Huron High School held the lead throughout the regular season with six season points, but Port Huron Northern won the tourney earning six tournament points. Both teams ended the season with eleven league points and tied for first place, with both taking home league trophies.
Kelly Harrington, coach for the Port Huron High team said that she is proud of the knowledge her team has, “but most importantly of the way they conducted themselves.” She said she was “proud to watch them show what it means to be from Port Huron High School.”
Michelle Dunham, the Port Huron Northern coach said she was very proud of her students and their success in both the league standings and the league tournament. Dunham notes, “They were committed to practicing and playing this season, even when it was unsure how the season might progress due to COVID. Our team was small, but their diverse knowledge led to great success.”
The Port Huron High team is making plans to compete in the online state finals in the spring.
Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland