Planting Day

The Port Huron Beautification Commission has announced a community planting day coming up next month. Each spring,the City of Port Huron Beautification Commission plants flowers
throughout downtown Port Huron, city parks, and community gardens. There are approximately
20 community wide flowerbeds, that according to beautification commissioner Alphonso Amos.
“…help with reforestation efforts, but also create a beautiful natural collage of colorful flowers
and plants.” Individuals, families, and community groups are invited to help plant flowers and
greens throughout the city of Port Huron. The community planting day will be held on Saturday,
May, 19 at 9 a.m. in front of the St. Clair County Courthouse. All ages are invited and
encouraged to volunteer and take part in the community-wide planting experience. For more
information on the Community Planting Day visit port huron