Port Huron, MI — With the stay at home order lifted, Port Huron Parks and Recreation Department wasted no time in opening playgrounds and revamping their plan for summer. Splash pads, sport courts, pavilions, and restrooms at city beaches will be open soon.
There are many details involved in the reopening of park amenities, and the parks department is working daily to get things ready. Information on what is ready for use will be available on the Parks and Rec’s Facebook page and website, which are updated frequently.
Although legally allowed, Sanborn and Court Street pools will not open this summer. Parks and Recreation Department issued a statement saying, “Nobody is as disappointed as us to make this hard decision. Our aquatics program requires over 100 seasonal workers that were not hired for the season. We are simply unable to open the pools in a safe manner on such short notice.”
Camp Palmer and the Palmer Park Recreation Center are still closed and the department will reassess the operation of the Palmer Park Recreation Center in the coming weeks. Face-to-face programming may again appear this summer, and the online offerings will remain.
Residents are asked to use common sense and follow CDC guidelines when using the parks such as bringing hand sanitizer and continuing to practice social distancing.
Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland