Port Huron Police are asking for the public’s help as the search continues for the perpetrators in a string of robberies. One set of robberies occurred between November 28 and December 20. They are believed to be committed by the same man who is described as a black male of medium build. He was masked and armed with a handgun during the robberies.
Another robbery of the Speedway Gas station on Oak street in Port Huron on December 27 was carried by a masked robber of unknown race, also with a handgun. All of the robberies involved confrontation of the employees and emptying of the cash registers.
These robberies are being investigated by the Port Huron Police Department Major Crimes Unit and Criminal Investigative Division. The vehicles involved are yet to be identified. Photos from the security cameras at the businesses show the suspect or suspects. The Port Huron Police Department offers a cash reward for tips leading to the capture of suspects. Anonymous tips can be left at the Capture Hotline at 987-6688 or through the TipSubmit website. Business owners are encouraged to remain vigilant in their safety practices.