The City of Port Huron has been having their board meetings broadcast live on Comcast for a number of years. However, the technology used to deliver those meetings to the public has changed in recent years. City Manager James Freed said, “Beginning with the next Council meeting they will be live streaming the Council meetings on Youtube.” He also added that the meetings can be shared on any social media platform. Freed said this new streaming option will be in addition to the Comcast broadcast, and the cameras have been upgraded to HD. The previous cameras the city was using were from the 1990s. To get an idea of the difference in quality, citizens can log on to Youtube and search for Port Huron City Council meetings. Freed said residents can view the difference between videos from a week ago and the new HD test video. He went on to say that Port Huron is one of only a handful of communities in the state of Michigan to use this technology for council meetings, and the city does this as an effort to stay transparent and make the meetings more accessible to more citizens.