James Freed City of Port Huron

Port Huron City Manager Forms Roundtable Group For Downtown Corridor Redesign

City Manager James Freed has unveiled the establishment of the Huron Avenue/Military Street Roundtable Working Group, aimed at collaborating with city authorities and the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) regarding potential alterations to the downtown corridor’s design. 

This initiative responds to MDOT’s upcoming reconstruction project slated for 2025, targeting Huron Avenue from the Military Street Bridge to Glenwood Avenue. Comprising residents, business figures, and community advocates, the group will facilitate community involvement in decision-making processes. “We value the importance of community engagement and feedback,” emphasized City Manager Freed, underlining the significance of public input in shaping downtown’s future. 

Mayor Pauline Repp expressed support for the endeavor, underscoring the necessity of hearing from community stakeholders. The working group plans to commence meetings in April, with a  formal report and recommendations expected by fall 2024.

Reporting for WGRT – Choze Powell