Port Huron Economy Shows Continued Growth And Prosperity

Port Huron’s local economy has been on a steady upward trajectory for the past several years. The increase in building permits pulled annually is a clear indication of the city’s continued economic growth. 

Data provided by the City of Port Huron shows that the number of permits pulled in 2022 increased by more than 61% compared to 2015. This trend is remarkable and promising, with the permits representing more than $500 million in investments across the city. These numbers serve as a barometer of the city’s economic strength and vitality.

Looking back at previous years, it is evident that the growth has been consistent. In 2022, there were 1050 building permits pulled, compared to 1034 in 2021, 797 in 2020, and 650 in 2015. This data supports the notion that Port Huron is a city on the rise, with a strong and vibrant economy that is poised for continued growth and prosperity.

Reporting for WGRT – Choze Powell