Did you know that Port Huron is part of the story of a well- known couple that, when married, decided to spend some of their honeymoon in town and would remember the city as being a symbol for happiness? On this date in 1950, President Harry S. Truman ordered U.S. air and naval forces to South Korea to aid the democratic nation in repulsing an invasion by communist North Korea. In May 1919, Harry S Truman returned from duty in World War I, and in June he married Beth Wallace. The couple spent part of their honeymoon in Port Huron at the Hotel Harrington. The Truman’s daughter Margaret wrote in her biography of Bess, “For the rest of his life, whenever Harry Truman wanted to regain the radiance of those first days with Bess, he simply wrote ‘Port Huron.’ For him, it was a code word for happiness.”