Port Huron Police Dept. Announce Special Needs And Autism Acceptance Day

The month of April is World Autism Month, and the Port Huron Police Department is putting on an event to spread awareness and resources for the community. 

Special Needs and Autism Acceptance Day 2023 will take place on Saturday, April 29th, from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Pine Grove Park in Port Huron.

The event will be free of charge, and all residents are welcome. People will be able to meet first responders, tour emergency vehicles and more. There will be games, crafts, and activities available, and guests can register for the home alert program. 

Organizations such as Oakland and Ferris Therapy Dogs, Michigan Alliance for Families, St. Clair County Community Mental Health, and many more will be available providing resources and information for those in attendance. 

For more information, contact Officer Sam Baker via phone or email, at: (810) 984-9715 or bakers@porthuron.org

Reporting for WGRT – Choze Powell