Port Huron Police High School Youth Academy Planned for Summer

The Port Huron Police Department is holding their High School Youth Academy from July 25th through 29th for students who have an interest in a career in law enforcement. Plenty of hands-on training will be offered.

Officer Dennis Huisman, School Resource Officer with Port Huron Schools and Port Huron Police Department, said, “The highlight of the High School Youth Academy is to get teenagers interested in a career field that they might not have thought much about or were interested in but did not know where to start.”

Huisman said, “The Youth Academy helps build those early relationships between police officers and future police officers. Even students who attend who do not want to be police officers walk away with a better understanding of what police officers do every day.”

Huisman said this is the fourth year for the Academy. It will be held at Port Huron Northern High School. The camp is a full forty hours and should help students decide if a career in law enforcement is for them, and if so, how to get started on their career paths.

Signup information can be found at the link below.


Reporting for WGRT -Jennie McClelland