The Port Huron Police Youth Academy is accepting applications for the 2021 session. The Academy is a great way for high school students to get a taste of a career in criminal justice and public service.
The Academy will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm. from June 28th through July 2nd at Port Huron High School. It is open to current 8th-12th graders who attend schools in St. Clair County.
Participants need to be in good physical condition and pass a health physical. Attendance is mandatory for the entire Academy and a graduation will be held on the last day of the session.
Tuition for the Academy is $50 with meals, uniforms, and equipment provided. Tuition assistance is available.
Participants in the academy will get hands-on training in the daily operations of a police department along with participation in physical training. They will build search scenarios, learn defensive tactics, and study traffic stop scenarios.
There will also be time to check out the K-9 operations and the Special Response Team as well as learning how evidence is processed.
Link to the application:
Officer Dennis Huisman: 810-984-2671,
Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland