Port Huron Schools Develops Committee to Address Pandemic Recovery

A group of education stakeholders met on August 4th to develop a strategic plan for students in the Port Huron schools. The group’s members are from a variety of sectors, including students, and they will focus on helping students recover from the effects the pandemic had on education.

Theo Kerhoulas, Port Huron Schools Superintendent, said “The purpose of the committee is to review feedback and identify major areas for planning consideration as we create the best learning environment for our students and families, while supporting our community needs in the significant recovery from the pandemic. These stakeholders will advise my team in development, implementation and communication of the recovery plan for Port Huron Schools.”

The stakeholders include teachers, parents, community representatives, and school administrators and board of education members. The recovery plan will involve determining where things stand presently and developing a strategy to address wellness, academics, school climate, and family and community engagement in the future.

Reporting for WGRT – Jessie Wiegand