Port Huron Schools will present the fourth annual State of the District address on Friday, February 22, 2019 at 9 a.m. in its new Early Childhood Center (2400 Garfield St., Port Huron). Superintendent Jamie Cain will deliver the address. This is the fourth consecutive year the district has given a public presentation on current education issues, points of progress and challenges in an informative session for the community. The event is in partnership with the Blue Water Area Chamber of Commerce. It is a public event with limited priority seating given to members and affiliates of the Chamber and invited guests. This year, as in previous years, the presentation will be filmed in its entirety and posted on Port Huron Schools’ media (including social media, the Superintendent’s weekly e-newsletter, PHS-TV Comcast channel 6, etc.) and EBW.tv. To RSVP for the State of the District, please contact PHS Director of Community Relations/Marketing Keely Baribeau at (810) 984-3101 x4021 or kbaribeau@phasd.us Chef Shell’s will be the breakfast sponsor for the 2019 State of the District.