Port Huron is about to get a fresh stock of new trees.
September’s rough weather took out some trees in Port Huron, but it could have been a lot worse, according to Port Huron City Manager James Freed. The city has been removing dead and diseased trees throughout the city for several years to reduce the danger of falling limbs and trees. Freed credited the Forestry Division with spearheading the effort to clean up the trees that needed to go.
Now it’s time to plant some new trees to replace the ones that have been removed. Freed said that he asked the Forestry Department to draft a plan for planting 100 new trees each year for the next ten years.
The city plans to work with the MSU Extension and an arborist to put the right trees in the right places. The plan will replace trees that have been removed as well as strategically placing trees in boulevards and city parks. The south side of Port Huron will get special attention as it has recently lost a lot of old trees.
Freed called the investment in 1000 trees over the next decade “generational” as it will ensure that Port Huron maintains its tree canopy for years to come.
Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland