Progress Being Made on Third Hunter Hospitality House

Port Huron, MI — We reported just a couple of months ago that there was going to be another Hunter Hospitality House. Since then the new Family House has undergone major renovation and brought the community together to work on the project.

Executive Director, Tracy Willard, said that they are getting through a long list of household repairs and renovations to their third property. She said, “The community has been overwhelmingly generous in helping us provide a safe, beautiful and much-needed private respite for people needing to stay near a hospital in Port Huron while also caring for children. “

Hunter Hospitality House has two houses near each of Port Huron’s Hospitals where free lodging is provided to those with loved ones getting medical treatment or who are getting treatment themselves. The third house will provide accommodations for families.

While a lot of work has already been done, there is much more to do. The new house is expected to open on December 7, 2021, on what is the 10th anniversary of the opening of the first Hunter Hospitality House, and the 30th birthday of the late Hunter Willard, after whom the non-profit is named. 

Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland