100+ Women Who Care

Register Now for 100+ Women Who Care

100+ Women Who Care is coming up Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at the St. Clair Inn ballroom. The event will gather women from around the area to help the Community Foundation of St. Clair County grant $10,000 to a local nonprofit.

Ladies who register for the event will get to choose from a list of area nonprofits when they secure their spot for a $100 donation. Three organizations will be chosen to pitch their nonprofit at the event, and attendees will get to vote on who they believe should receive the $10,000 grant. A $1,500 and $500 grant will also be handed out at the event.

Registration is required by Wednesday, August 31, 2022, and organizers are looking forward to a fun, interactive night of philanthropy.

Lindsey Adams-Fitchett, Chair of the Women’s Initiative Committee, said, “We are excited to see everyone face-to-face again, and we are really looking forward to highlighting the great work of a local nonprofit that is focused on single moms.”

Register online at: https://www.stclairfoundation.org/100-women-who-care-2022/

Reporting for WGRT – Jessie Wiegand