SC4 Asking for Millage Renewal on August 2 Ballot

St. Clair County Community College is asking county voters to approve a millage renewal request on the August 2nd ballot. The renewal is for nearly one-half mill for a four-year period from 2023 to 2027.

SC4 says that, if approved, the millage renewal will not increase taxes and SC4 will continue to have one of the lowest operating millages in Michigan.

Senior Vice President of SC4, Pete Lacey, said, “St. Clair County Community College has served St. Clair County and its residents for nearly 100 years.” 

Lacey pointed out that students, taxpayers, and society as a whole get a high rate of return on their investment and that SC4 offers a full collegiate experience.

Lacey said, “The College’s economic impact is significant for the entire Blue Water Area, providing trained and educated workers, helping enhance life quality and earnings, employing county residents, attracting new visitors for programs and events, and much more.” 

The SC4 renewal millage, if passed, will cost about $2 per month per $100,000 of home value.

Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland