SCC RESA Great Start Program Earns Blue Ribbon Status

The St. Clair County Regional Education Service Agency (RESA) has announced that their Great Start Home Visiting Program has earned Blue Ribbon Affiliate Status with the Parents as Teachers National Center. The Status is the highest designation given by the Quality Endorsement and Improvement Process of the Parents as Teachers organization.

Parents as Teachers is a national organization based in St. Louis, Missouri, that “builds strong communities, thriving families and children who are healthy, safe and ready to learn by matching parents and caregivers with trained professionals who make regular personal home visits during a child’s earliest years in life, from prenatal through kindergarten.”

The St. Clair County RESA program offers free home visits with their Great Start program following the Parents as Teachers model. Participating families receive personal visits from a parent educator, participation in early learning group activities, a network of community resources, and child health and development screenings.

A link to more information and Great Start sign-up details:

Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland