The Port Huron Police Department investigated a school threat at Port Huron Northern High school at 1799 Krafft Road in the City of Port Huron. On Monday, November 5 at 9:05 a.m., Port Huron School Resource Officer Dennis Huisman investigated a threat made by a Port Huron Northern student. Multiple students had informed Officer Huisman that the 17-year-old Port Huron resident had been making threats to shoot up the school for the past few weeks. Due to the suspect’s persistence, the other students told authorities. The suspect responded to the Port Huron Police Department voluntarily for an interview. Weapons that were accessible in the family’s home have been secured for safekeeping. The suspect was suspended through Port Huron Schools and then lodged in the St. Clair County jail pending arraignment for Threat of Terrorism, a 20 year felony.