Shane Hernandez Chosen as Dixon’s Running Mate

Voters in Michigan’s Thumbcoast will see a familiar face campaigning with Tudor Dixon this fall. Today, Shane Hernandez was selected as her running mate as she seeks the position of Governor of Michigan.

Hernandez served locally as State Representative of the 83rd District in the Michigan House of Representatives from 2017 to 2021. He also served as the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and House Fiscal Governing Committee.

Dixon said, “Shane Hernandez as lieutenant governor will help to improve our schools, create safer communities, and improve our economy. Like me, Shane is concerned about the impact rising prices are having on our families.”

While State Representative during the COVID-19 pandemic, Hernandez frequently spoke out about Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s policies, especially those that he believed caused financial hardships for businesses and families. At one point during the pandemic when the State of Michigan was laying off workers, Hernandez said, “State government will have to make tough decisions – just like families and businesses across Michigan have made tough decisions during this challenging time.”

In a press release announcing Hernandez as her running mate, Dixon said “Shane and I will put front-and-center the issues families care about: rising costs created by the Democrats’ inflation, dangerous communities exacerbated by Gretchen Whitmer’s siding with the ‘spirit’ of defund the police, and a perpetually weak economy that Gretchen Whitmer is simply incapable of doing anything about.”

Hernandez said, “I am honored to run as Tudor’s running mate to address the problems created by Gretchen Whitmer,” Hernandez, a husband and father of two daughters, said “Her vision is the right one for Michigan and I believe we will defeat Whiter and begin to repair the damage she’s caused to our families, students, and business owners.”

Shane Hernandez currently serves on the board of SONS Outreach, a Port Huron nonprofit that focuses on mentoring youth in St. Clair County.

Reporting for WGRT – Jessie Wiegand