Sherman Woods Hosts Red Kettle for Salvation Army

The Salvation Army got some help from the Sherman Woods Neighborhood Association for the 5th year in a row this December. The lakeside neighborhood in Port Huron’s North End is known as a destination for viewing Christmas lights, and also for philanthropy.

Taking advantage of the consistent traffic during the holiday season, the neighborhood volunteered to host a Salvation Army Red Kettle to collect donations for the local charity. The response this year was “phenomenal”, according to Fred Kemp of the neighborhood association.

Kemp said that people showed up with donations prepared ahead of time and were as generous this year as in previous years. He said it was heartwarming to see not only the response from the visitors to the neighborhood but also from the residents of Sherman Woods. Kemp said that he continues to be amazed by everyone’s generosity.

The whole neighborhood participates in the over-the-top winter wonderland, with homemade light balls hanging from the trees giving a magical glow to the whole area. Kemp said that neighbors work together to make it happen, with all the lights being handmade, with no commercial help.

While you can still take a drive through Sherman Woods to see the lights, you will need to go to if you want to donate to the Salvation Army’s year-round efforts.

Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland