Some Concerts Requiring Proof of Vaccination

Concerts have been coming back on the calendar in the last month, but due to the ambiguous nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, the future is hard to predict. Some artists who scheduled tours when the vaccine rollout began have already cancelled them due to rising cases caused by the Delta variant.

There have been a variety of reasons artists have had to cancel tours. Some have experienced COVID-19 infection with their touring crew, some cite the expense of keeping their crew tested and safe, and some are just not ready to perform in front of a large group of people without proof of their vaccine status.

So far this year, Garth Brooks, Stevie Nicks, and Nine Inch Nails have cancelled their scheduled tours because of COVID-19.

Live Nation Entertainment, the world’s leading live entertainment company, said in their Second Quarter Report on August 3, 2021, “The momentum for the return to live events has been building every month.” The report also said, “Looking forward to 2022 and now also 2023, all our leading indicators continue to point to a roaring era for concerts and other live events.”

Live Nation Entertainment has also started requiring proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test within 48 hours to attend its events.

McMorran Theater has had several concerts and performances over the last few weeks, and although attendance isn’t quite what it was before the pandemic, audiences and performers alike are happy to be back to live shows.

Natacha Hayden, Port Huron Parks and Rec Marketing Specialist, said McMorran is planning full force into the future as well as following CDC guidelines for keeping performers and audiences safe. McMorran does not require proof of vaccination to attend events.

Reporting for WGRT – Jessie Wiegand